Cardiologist Personal Trainer Says You Can Make An Incredible Transformation From Home...
University Level At Home Weight Loss Course With The Diet Doctor's Science Backed Weight Loss Program
Lose All The Weight You Want Without Avoiding Foods You Love!
Join My Weight Loss Course & Masterclass Today and Discover the Doctor-Trusted Method That's Helped Thousands Lose Hundreds of Pounds and Keep it Off Permanently!
Dr. Alo Has Been Featured on Multiple Media Outlets Locally, Nationally, and Internationally!

The Diet Doctor's Program: Science Backed Weight Loss Course
I'm sure you are sick of losing and gaining back the same 20-30 pounds over and over again. I know I was. It's a vicious cycle. It's so hard to break. Sometimes you even lose 20 pounds, only to put back on 60. Yikes!
- I finally cracked the yo-yo diet code and now teach this system to other doctors at medical conferences and to my patients! But I can't spend enough time with them in the office, so I created this online course for them and they absolutely love it!
Twenty years ago, we didn't know as much as we do now about weight loss. We thought that you had to avoid bread and pasta to lose weight. Today, we have gurus telling people that they have to do intermittent fasting to lose weight, and that there is no other way. We have other social media influencers selling fad diets, juice cleanses, cookie-cutter diet plans, and magic pills for weight loss. If only that actually worked!
In the last 5-10 years research in the diet, weight loss, and nutrition industry has exploded! We have entire university labs dedicated to human studies on weight loss and nutrition. We have tested low fat versus low carb. We have tested various nutrition timing strategies. We have tested intermittent fasting versus eating all throughout the day. We have tested fasted cardio versus non fasted cardio. We have the answers. It's not longer a mystery.
Scientific studies have answered almost all of the questions we have been asking about weight loss. When I used to give my talks 20 years ago, I used to say, "Well, we still need studies in that area" a lot. I rarely ever say those words now. Science and research has given us almost 95% of the answers we have ever wanted.
Beyond that, we now have extensive research into human physique science. In the past, we used to think you needed to "confuse your muscles" in order to grow muscles (remember that one?). We used to think you had to eat protein while working out. We used to think that if you didn't work out one body part per day, that you could never grow muscle. We now have those answers. There are entire research labs dedicated to human physique and bodybuilding.
You may not be interested in body building, but a lot of what we know today about weight loss, muscle growth, and body recomposition started out as theories in the body building community. We now have research and science to either support or dispel those theories.
If You Want to Lose at Least 50 Pounds at Home and Keep It Off, You Need The Doctor's Diet Program and Weight Loss Course & Masterclass
My biggest pet peeve is diet plans and weight loss plans that foster a horrible relationship with food. You've all heard these before, "pizza is bad" or "kale is good" and similar comments. Food is food! It's a different composition of macronutrients that add up to a caloric total. If you need some carbs and fat and a bit of protein to round out your calories for the day, a slice of pizza may fit the bill. If you still need 18 grams of protein today, then choose the chicken breast. Use food as tools to support your nutrition goals.
Studies have shown us that if you are in a calorie deficit, and weight is coming off, all of your cardiovascular risk factors improve. This has been tested and studied, and we will go over the studies. The studies showed that it didn't matter whether you ate more fat, more carbs, or more protein. If you were losing weight, your heart health improved. It was that simple.
Further, studies showed that diets that were isocaloric and protein matched, it didn't matter if you ate mostly fat or mostly carbs for the remainder of your calories. Both groups lost the same amount of weight. So why avoid carbs? Or load up on fat? Just eat what you enjoy!
Studies have also shown that long term adherence was the best predictor of long term weight loss success. When subjects ate foods they enjoyed, but less of them, they were able to maintain weight loss past 5 years. Studies have also shown that 95% of people who lose weight gain it back in 5 years! We want to become a part of that 5%!
Join the 5% That Have Lost Weight and Kept it Off After 5 Years and Get Off the Yo-Yo Diet Train!
In my Weight Loss Masterclass Course you will learn the SECRETS of losing weight properly, eating foods that you LOVE, and not feeling deprived all the time! This is a fully researched and experience backed program with the World's Leading Expert on Weight Loss!
I've taught countless doctors and physicians groups on how to teach their patient's to lose weight properly without all of the non sense. After hearing me speak, they all rush up to me and thank me for bringing science into the discussion. They were so confused and wanted the research to back up their own philosophies and their own ideologies. Many of them had no idea that they could eat carbs and still lose weight. Many had no idea that there were studies comparing high glycemic index foods to low glycemic index foods with regards to weight loss success. They were super excited that finally someone had all the right answers. And they wanted a list of my studies, I used to tell them to watch my YouTube channel or to buy my $5 book, since all of the studies are discussed and listed in there. 😇
Some did watch all my videos and read my book. But some wanted more. They wanted a university level course where they have full access to me and can ask me questions and interact and do live sessions. So I created this course!
Dr. Mohammed S. Alo
- Medical Licenses in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan
- Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Midwestern University
- Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Ohio University
- Board Certified Cardiologist
- Certified Personal Trainer
- Best Selling Author
- Weight Loss Evangelist
- Featured on multiple TV shows
- Published all across the world

Overly Restrictive "Marketing Hype" Diets Just Don't Work
Unfortunately, most fad diets, fitness plans, or workout routines are more style than substance these days.
The people who share these approaches will claim to have some new “secret” way to help you lose weight, complete with Instagram-worthy workout routines and fancy new meal prep recipes.
They’ll get you to think that Health & Fitness is some complicated equation that you can only master if you have just the right formula.
(Usually, they’re the ones claiming to hold this secret formula. Go figure…)
It’s Usually About 10% “Good Advice”...And 90% Overhyped Marketing Baloney.
Weight loss can be a challenging journey, for sure…
But the actual science-backed way of losing weight (and keeping it off) is not as complicated as most fitness gurus will lead you to believe it is.
And if you’ve been feeling that YOU are the problem for not getting results that stick, let me tell you something you may need to hear:
Do NOT Blame Yourself for This. This is NOT your fault!
It’s not your fault that you’ve been led to believe that in order to lose weight you need to:
- Follow restrictive diets…
- Practice punishing workout routines…
- Let go of foods you love…
- Avoid “bad” foods and “eat clean”...
…Or any other malarkey that makes it seem like it’s about anything other than simply understanding the basic principles of weight loss.
But trying to follow overcomplicated fitness programs isn’t the only mistake you might be making.
In fact, mistake #2 is something that can have some of the most damaging effects…

Cardiologist says... No More Cardio!
How does that make sense?
How can it be that a board-certified cardiologist, with over 20 years of experience in the profession, is telling you cardio is NOT the solution to weight loss?
The reason is simple:
Most people treat cardio as some “magic pill” that will automatically get them fit, lean, and healthy.
Whether it’s:
- Expensive Spinning Classes…
- Impossible High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Routines...
- Exhausting Stair Climber Workouts…
- Weekly 5k Runs That Wreak Havoc on Your Knees…
- Or Setting the Treadmill to the “Mount Everest” Incline Level...
None of it works if you don’t have the basic foundations for weight loss in place. More on that in a second.
The Truth Is, Cardio Can Be An Effective Tool To Help You Lose Weight…But It’s No Silver Bullet For Getting Fit.
Here’s the kicker, too:
In some cases, too much cardio can actually be dangerous!
In fact, excessive cardio has been shown to cause your heart muscles to remodel and your coronary arteries to harden faster than expected. (O’ Keefe, “Potential Adverse Cardiovascular Effects From Excessive Endurance Exercise”, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, June 2012)
So if cardio isn’t the answer, and neither are new trendy fitness programs, what is?
Well, in just a moment, I’ll be sharing my personal, science-backed Framework for achieving safe, easy, and lasting weight loss (without having to give up the foods you love)...
But first, I want to cover the third and final mistake most people make on their weight loss journey.
This one is perhaps the most damaging because it’s literally the thing that keeps them on the Weight Loss/Weight Gain rollercoaster year after year…

Most Fitness Programs Sell Quick Fixes That Don't Last
Think about most of the fitness programs you see…
Notice how the most popular ones always seem to help you “get shredded” or “tone up” in just 30, 60, or 90 days?
Well…did you ever think about what happens after those 90 days?
(The chances are, you’ve probably even experienced it yourself!)
Again, research shows that after just 3 years of losing weight, a whopping 95% of people end up regaining the weight they lost.
But here’s another alarming footnote about that figure:
33-66% Of Those People End Up Heavier Than When They Started!
But hey, that’s what many of these Fitness Gurus in the industry are banking on (figuratively and literally).
They make you replace all the foods you love with meals that taste like cardboard, and put you through the ringer with punishing workout routines that leave you out of action for days…
And they do this all in the hope that, by the end of the 90 days, you'll have dropped the weight and achieved that trimmed physique.
And it works.
The trouble is, the restrictive diet, killer workout routines, and confusing portion control protocols start catching up with you…
Eventually, you start to fall off the wagon.
Then, just as quickly as you lost the weight, you seem to put it back on again.
So now what?
As the Diet Doctor, I have seen this play out too many times. Physicians come up to me at medical conferences, where I teach proper weight loss, and ask me for handouts, books, courses and programs for them to give to their patients to help them lose weight properly.
So... I finally had to create resources, handouts, books, and simple weight loss programs for my fellow physicians to give to their patients.
I struggled with weight loss for over 20 years, but finally figured it out!
Despite being "The Doctor's Doctor", I have been overweight and sometimes obese since college. I have tried almost every fad diet you can imagine; Atkins, South Beach, Sugarbusters, Zone, Nutrisystem, Whole 30, Intermittent Fasting, Keto, Paleo, TB12, and so many others. I would lose a little bit of weight, only to gain it all back.
It was frustrating!
It was embarrassing!
Because I was the weight loss doctor and the obesity specialist. If anyone should know how to lose weight, it should be me!
The "Diet Doctor" actually needed to go on a proper, sustainable, non-gimmicky diet. I had been on the diet rollercoaster for too long.
It took me over 20 years of researching and lecturing on weight loss to finally figure it out. I have read every book and research article on obesity and weight loss, and I have finally figured it out. My patients and clients love this system and how easy it is! You get to eat whatever you want, and still lose weight! And it's backed by actual research and science!
I paid over $70,000 out of pocket for education, training, courses, books, and programs to finally be able to crack the code! But you don't have to!
I'm a Board Certified Cardiologist and Certified Personal Trainer, and I have been able to help thousands of my clients and patients lose weight, and they have all been asking me to make my program available for all, so I finally decided to make this program and sell it online.
*Individual results may vary. Results not typical.

Introducing: Dr. Alo's Online Weight Loss Course Masterclass
Lose Weight Safely, Effectively, and Permanently With Dr. Alo in Your Own Living Room Or On Your Phone!
Weight Loss 101 Masterclass
A complete online course to get you from A to Z on your weight loss journey! Go at your own pace with Dr. Alo by your side!

Imagine If You Could...
- Eat Anything You Want!
- Look amazing!
- Have a good relationship with food
- Impress your family/friends at parties!
- Transform your body and Self Esteem!
- Improve your Confidence!
- Be a healthier version of yourself
- Be able to keep up with your kids
- Say goodbye to unwanted, stubborn belly fat
- Get back to doing activities you enjoy
- Be enthusiastic about sex again
- Look younger
- Have a good relationship with exercise
- Have more energy
- Improve all of your cardiovascular health markers

*Individual results may vary
What Other's Who Took My Weight Loss Course Masterclass Are Saying...
Mo Idlibby, Attorney
Dallas, Texas
I was 240 pounds and I could barely breathe and keep up with my boys. My face was huge, my gut hung out, I had no energy. I couldn’t fit into anything anymore. I tried various types of diets over the years. I would lose weight and gain it all back. Over and over again. It was hard. It’s been my life since graduating law school. It’s embarrassing, because I played Division 1 football at Davidson College and now I looked like the exact opposite of an athlete.
I’m an attorney with a very busy national law firm with multiple offices in different states and I have 4 young children, I had no time for anything. Literally, no time to even sit down. I was building my business and practice. I had no time to go to the gym, no time to work out. Dr. Alo showed me that I don’t need time to make these simple changes.
I was desperate. I was defeated. I threw a Hail Mary and reached out to Dr. Alo hoping he could help. I was trying to do keto at the time, the fifth time I had tried it. Dr. Alo counseled me on the phone and through video and we got a plan together. Keto works a little, then I kept gaining the weight back. I was tired of it. I needed an end game. A way to finally beat obesity.
I followed Dr. Alo’s plan precisely and I got down to 175 pounds! And have kept it off for two years now! And because of the education and teaching, this will be my new way of living. I can eat pretty much whatever I want, and I can still lose weight.
Thank you Dr. Alo!
*Individual results may vary

Melissa Spieker
Deerfield, Illinois
I've always loved sports and have always been an athlete. But then I became a mom and everything changed. I had no time to do anything. My body changed. I tried every fad diet known to man and I was stuck. I would lose a few pounds, and then not know what to do. I couldn't get back to my original weight (or even close). My weight ballooned and my health declined in my 30s. Now, I have 3 kids. I tried every fad diet there was and just couldn't maintain weight loss. I was eating only 1200 calories and in the gym daily doing the stair climber, running on treadmills, and doing all kinds of things. Weight just wouldn't come off.
I had a terrible relationship with food. Every food was "bad" or "good" and I could never stick to my diet.
One day I became embarrassed by the person I was seeing in the mirror. I couldn't fit into my jeans. I lost my confidence. I stopped caring. I wore baggy clothes just to hide.
Then I finally met Dr. Alo. I started to follow Dr. Alo's advice regarding healthy food choices and developing a healthy relationship with food. I was in tears. I didn't realize how bad my relationship with food and exercise was. Dr. Alo taught me not to punish myself in the gym and with food. I learned to enjoy, take days off, have diet breaks, improve my mental health and self-care. All while still losing weight, getting better definition, and improving my confidence. I know I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want and still maintain or lose weight. If I gain weight, I just shave it off. I'm so grateful!
With Dr. Alo's help I look nearly 20 years younger, I am stronger, I feel more confident and am happier than I have ever been (and I can actually keep up with my kids!) If I can reverse 20 years of bad habits - you can too!”
Thank you so much!
Melissa Speiker
*Individual results may vary

Anurag Tandon
Naperville, Illinois
"Although I was athletic during high school and in my early 20s, my weight ballooned and my health declined in my 30s and 40s. This was due to making unhealthy lifestyle choices. I would consume sugary drinks at every meal, hard to say no to dessert and eat fast food multiple times a week. One day I became embarrassed by the person I was seeing in pictures. I had become a bit of a running joke amongst my friends regarding my stomach and ability to eat so much at one meal.
I had tried lifting weights off and on for nearly a decade with little to no visible results. But when I started to follow Dr. Alo's advice regarding healthy food choices and developing a healthy relationship with food - I finally began to see the positive changes I knew I could achieve. Based entirely on the Dr. Alo's advice I was able to lose 40 lbs in five months and get stronger.
The most important part of my journey was the confidence I now have with food. I know that is okay to eat what I want. I know that if I gain weight that I can take it off. I know what to look for and how to fit it in to my food choices. With Dr. A's help I look nearly 10 years younger, I am stronger, I feel more confident and am happier than I have ever been. If I can reverse 20 years of bad habits - you can also.”
With love,
Anurag Tandon
*Individual results may vary
Save Thousands!
What would it cost to:
- Hire a Cardiologist $500/hour x 4 quarters/year = $2000
- Nutrition Coach $1000/month or $12,000 per year
- Personal Trainer $50-150/hour x 20 sessions per month or $12,000 to $36,000 per year
- Registered Dietician $150/hour x 10 sessions per month or $18,000 per year
They would have to work with you intimately every day, design a nutrition program, teach you everything you need to know about weight loss, review research studies, and design a training program that actually works for anyone with a super busy schedule. they would have to be available to answer all of your questions! Not mention the cost of college, medical school, and certifications in personal training... $$$$!
This Should Cost Over $72,995!
Weight Loss Masterclass: $497
(For A Limited Time)

*More content, resources, and topics being added daily
If you buy today, I'll include my Actual Weight Loss Book that discusses weight loss in depth and lists all of the research studies (and goes over them in plain English), the Actual Weight Loss Audiobook, the Fitness Module (Beginner and Intermediate, with videos), The Ultimate Glute Guide (with videos), My Secret Full Exercise Program (with videos), The Weight Loss Mindset Full Course (absolutely insane), access to all my previous Live private group coaching sessions, the Weight Loss Workbook, admission to my Private Group Forum, and my Heart 2 Heart cookbook... absolutely FREE.
I never thought I would ever do all this and give it all away for free, but I am doing it! But not for long!

Actual Weight Loss Book Bundle
What you get:
- Digital copy of Actual Weight Loss
- Audiobook of Actual Weight Loss
- Glute Guide Exercise Program with Video
- My Private Full Exercise Routine Schedule and Video
- Special Populations (PCOS, Diabetics, Elderly, Kids, Thyroid, Hormones)
- 5 Step Quick Guide
- Health Living Academy Exclusive Email Newsletter
20 years of weight loss research in one book! Every important research study explained in simple terms and how you can apply that to your daily life!
Normally Valued: $497

Weight Loss Mindset Full Course
This has quickly become my top selling course (something I never expected)! A deep dive into preparing your mind for this weight loss journey. You can't really start losing weight without first being mentally ready! A full neurolinguistic and neurocognitive course to help prepare you for your weight loss journey. 90% of weight loss journeys are doomed before they even start because they aren't mentally prepared for this challenge. A super positive, energizing, and rejuvenating mindset course that will help you focus and achieve your results!
Value: $1297

Weight Loss Workbook
Get a 30+ page work book with nutrition guides, macro calculators, food guides, exercise program pages, exercise program poster, body fat measurement guiding, body fat composition measuring guides, tracking sheets for body composition measurements, tracking sheets for weight lifting progress, and tons more!
Value: $67

Access Private Lessons
Access to all of my private Live Group recordings that I have done in various private Facebook groups, YouTube, and other Private Forums! People paid a hefty price for admission, but I am including them. These are recordings of deep and detailed discussion on weight loss, health, fitness that I have done in the past! Always being updated and more Lives being added!
Value: Priceless
(thousands if you add up how much people have paid to attend these)

Private Forum
You will gain unlimited access to my Exclusive Private Forum. This is like a Private Facebook Group but better.
- Ask me questions directly
- Zoom Live Discussions
- Form Checks
- Make Like Minded Friends
- Interact with me and others with the same mission in mind
Value: $1297/year

Heart 2 Heart Cookbook
Digital copy of the award-winning calorie based cookbook. Want to create delicious heart healthy recipes based on the principles we will learn? The cookbook is divided up by calories needed to lose weight and each chapter contains enough protein to prevent muscle loss and may even cause muscle gain!
Value: $50 (on Amazon)

100% Money Back Guarantee!
If you are not 100% satisfied in 30 days, you can shoot us an email and get a full refund. No questions asked! I want to make sure that you are benefitting from this course and are on your way to losing weight and transforming your body! This puts all the pressure on me to make this course a no brainer and give you the most value! I will continue to update this course for the life of course!
Register NowShock your family and friends!
When your friends and family see you in a few months, they will wonder what you are doing! Your clothes will fit better, and you will need a new wardrobe. Lose all the weight you want, feel better, be able to move more and do more, and impress all your friends!
If you wait, nothing will change!
The only think you have to lose, is staying stagnant and staying the same. You have absolutely everything to gain! Start your weight lose journey correctly and permanently with Dr. Alo by your side!
Get Certified!
There is a final exam, and if you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate of completion and officially become certified in my Actual Weight Loss Method!

What are you waiting for?
You've struggled with weight loss long enough, and tried almost every diet there is. Now, let Dr. Alo show you how to lose weight safely, effectively, and permanently!
Let Me In! I Don't Want To Wait Anymore!PS: If You Do Nothing, Nothing Will Change!
A year from now, you will look the same, not be able to keep up with your friends, have no confidence around foods, and not be able to do what you like! You need to make changes now!
$497 is Literally a Steal! Valued at Over $72,997!
Why So Cheap? Exclusive Limited Time Offer:
I am currently doing some beta testing with various ad platforms and media buying strategies, hence the price of this offer is quite low. I know it's incredibly low at this time. Bear with me until I finish the beta testing phase. The price will then go back up to more accurately reflect the INSANE value! But you should take advantage of it now and send the link to all your friends!
Yes, Let Me In!In Case You Need More Proof....
Hundreds of messages and pictures like these are sent to me every day! Take a look below.